Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lil Pumpkin

Happy Halloween !!!!!

Maddy is not quite sure about this Halloween stuff....Her first tooth just came in and she is feeling poorly. Her Grandpa had a tooth pulled over the week-end...Poor babies !!!!
Take care friends and Have a great week...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sweetie Girl

I haven't completed many scrapbook pages in a long time. Too busy this spring and summer..then too lazy this fall. However, a lovely lady, Kirsty Wiseman, started a FaceBook page -Kirsty Wiseman Wednesday Crop. She posts a sketch, a number of people know the drill. So here is a LO I completed yesterday. I had fun with my sweet niece this summer and here is the result.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall is here in Canada !!

We know that fall is here in Canada, as hockey season has begun. We are all rooting for our fav teams. Lil bug's Mom is a Vancouver Canucks fan and her Dad is Calgary I found a canucks jersey at a resale store...when Lil Bug was born found cute little flames shoes...Go Canucks Go..don't get between a fan and their team LOL...Our Thanksgiving has come and gone...I am grateful for my health, sanity, and LIL BUG not neccesairly in that order. I am not thankful for being more cranky, less patient and more critical...hmmm time to sort out these feelings and get on with life. So friends I am enjoying reading your blogs, visiting how-to sites and the warm love from old and new friends.. Take Care..