I am sooooo tired !!!!!
My darling lil bug and her Mom were here for a week..a family wedding, family gatherings, people over, people sleeping over..visiting both sets of great-grandparents, great-aunties..OH MY GOODNESS>>>>I loved every minute of it, even though I am not the world's most social person....Last time I held Madelynn, she was only 2 months old...now she is 10 months and 30 lbs..trying to walk and a go-go girl...Lil Bug and her Mom ,Dh and Sil all had colds. I haven't been sick in over +2, so now I have been sick since Saturday and on my way to bronchitis.......Thus I haven't been reading your blogs, facebook or trying any of your fab projects. Maybe next week !!!!!! Plus another good news. I am going to be grandma #2..my Son and Dear DIL are expecting in the fall !!!! Wonderful, now if only I can catch up on my sleep..Take care friends and know I am thinking of you !!!