Thursday, July 12, 2012

Her name is Trouble

This is Miss Kaitlyn a few months back. She had dumped a bowl of rice pablum all over herself. She is beginning to crawl, pull herself up and cruise the couch. I am visiting her tomorrow for kisses, smiles and laughs. I am a very lucky Nana.
This is Miss Maddy saying"cheese" as she was supposed to be in her bed. Her Mom forgot to screw the lid back onto the diaper cream. I love being the Nana as I can laugh and not have to do the work to clean up the mess. I get to proudly show her photo to friends and family. LOL.  Having lovely sunny weather, still enjoying being hot and sticky. Enjoy your week dear friends.


Lorrie said...

Those girls are just the sweetest, even with pablum and diaper cream all over. Have fun playing, Nana!

Serena Lewis said...

SO cute!! I love being a Grandma Granddaughter #2 in due to arrive in November....can hardly wait.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

ha-ha-ha! So cute! Boy, I bet that diaper cream was hard to get off. It's made to resist moisture so water only just cut it. Ha! When my oldest son was about that age, he got a tube of my lipstick and came out with it smeared all over his face. Lipstick and wearing on his diaper. ha! I've got that picture somewhere around here. Have a great new week. Tammy

Decor To Adore said...

I have a similar picure to Miss Maddy's but that of a wee Fashionista.

Diaper cream is SO hard to clean. :)